Part 1 of our story begins with a puppy, whose little paws and wagging tail wiggled himself into our hearts.
Never before having a house dog, we got Cooper, a precious little Cavapoo. He has taken us on a wonderful puppy adventure. I tell people there is never a gift that we've purchased for our family that has brought so much joy, and it keeps on giving.
The love and affection that Cooper shows mixed with his calm yet playful manner has melted us all. If he gets grumpy with us, it is from "over loving" on our part.
Part 2 of our puppy story began with Covid, along with the rest of the world we had ample time on our hands. Wanting to fill that time we decided to raise puppies. We bred our Lab (Maggie) to a poodle. During Covid we raised two litters of Labradoodles. We loved it all, meeting people from across the United States, our family working together & of course all the puppy "lovin."
So in the midst of the pandemic our adventure with Adore Puppies began. When choosing a breed we kept going back to the Cavapoo. Our daughter is allergic to most dogs...but not Cooper. The mix of poodle in the Cavapoo makes them a great fit for families with allergies. The cavapoo just continued checking every box in what we loved with a dog and it doesn't get cuter than a cavapoo. We then purchased three King Cavalier Spaniels and one mini Poodle. It's been a wonderful journey and our hope is that we can help you begin your puppy adventure.
"Our story begins with a puppy, whose little paws and wagging tail wiggled himself into our hearts."


If you think our hands are full, you should see our heart


Five years ago our family purchased a retired male poodle from a dog breeder. Our family was excited for a new pet. We were surprised when we got him and he stood in the corner and wouldn't hardly look at us. We coaxed and gently talked to him, trying to get him to respond to us. He was finally getting to where he would look at us and be a little playful. We decided after time he was ready to be off his leash so he could run and play. Instead of playing he took off to the nearest field. If you've ever been to an Iowa corn field that hasn't been harvested, you can easily get lost. We walked the perimeter of the field on and off for two days calling to him. He never came. I am convinced he didn't want to come out. The third day he was found dead on the road.
It was sad for us to realize many kennel dogs are never socialized, loved or allowed to play outside. I believe in time if a neglected dog is a pet, these dogs may learn to love and trust eventually. However like neglected children, they have scars.
When we made the decision to bred dogs we wanted to do it with integrity, not only for our puppies but also our dogs.
Our dogs have a newly remodeled home with heated floors & a area to play outside. In the spring we are opening up a large grassy area that they will have access to run and play. We often let them run around our six acre farm. They are beautiful, loving, happy dogs. It brings us joy to see our dogs are happy & cared for.

Our Passion...
not just for our puppies but also for our dogs!
